Widefield imaging


Product category

BioTek Cytation C10
Confocal and widefield Imaging Reader. Combines spinning disk confocal and automated digital widefield microscopy, plus a multi-mode microplate reader.
Water-immersion objectives to capture more light with lower exposure times
Benchtop confocal imaging for every laboratory
Facilitate live cell imaging with environmental controls
xCELLigence RTCA eSight
Combining label-free impedance technology with brightfield imaging
Whole well imaging expansion
3 fluorescent channels spanning
Single setup for dual measurements
BioTek Cytation 7
Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader. Combines automated digital upright and inverted widefield microscopy with conventional multi-mode microplate reading
Both upright and inverted microscopy optics
Supports fluorescence, brightfield, and color brightfield
BioTek Cytation 1
Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader. Combine fluorescence and high contrast brightfield imaging with conventional multi-mode detection
BioTek Cytation 5
Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader. Combine automated digital widefield microscopy with conventional multi-mode microplate reading.
BioTek Lionheart LX
Automated digital endpoint microscope
Lionheart FX left facing, half-open - Agilent rebranded
BioTek Lionheart FX
Compact automated live-cell microscope up to 100x
Celloger Mini Plus
Automated live cell imaging system
Celloger Nano
Celloger Nano
Compact digital microscope for bench and incubator