
Product category

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xCELLigence RTCA S16 - Pilot scale
Continously monitor live cell proliferation, morphology change, and attachment quality in a label-free and real-time manner
Continously monitoring of live cell proliferation, morphology change, and attachment quality
Non-invasive and label-free real-time analysis
NovoSampler Q
Flow Cytometry Automation
Orbital shaking up to 3000 rpm
Embedded barcode reader
NovoSampler Pro
Flow Cytometry Automation. Compatible with 24-, 48-, and 96-well plate configurations. Load your plate and let the system record the data for you.
Homogeneity of mixed samples
Trusted results with low carryover
The most advanced Mechanical Pipette
xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR
Combines high frequency measurement of cell-induced electrical impedance with multi-electrode array technology to simultaneously assess cardiomyocyte contractility, viability, and electrophysiology
Combines high frequency measurement of cell-induced electrical impedance with multi-electrode array technology
Unprecedented level of detail
BioTek Cytation 1
Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader. Combine fluorescence and high contrast brightfield imaging with conventional multi-mode detection
BioTek Cytation 5
Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader. Combine automated digital widefield microscopy with conventional multi-mode microplate reading.
Combined digital microscopy and multi-mode detection
100 mW Alpha Laser
Label-free cell counting for cell proliferation studies
BioTek Lionheart LX
Automated digital endpoint microscope
High contrast brightfield, color brightfield and fluorescence imaging
Augmented Microscopy
Small benchtop footprint
Lionheart FX left facing, half-open - Agilent rebranded
BioTek Lionheart FX
Compact automated live-cell microscope up to 100x
Celloger Mini Plus
Automated live cell imaging system
Celloger Nano
Celloger Nano
Compact digital microscope for bench and incubator
Picus 2-12 channel on charger
Sartorius Picus 2
Hihly Sophisticated and Ergonomic Electronic pipettes Choose between single channel, 8-channel or 12-channel
Sartorius Optifit Tips
Sartorius Optifit Tips perfect fitting and leak-tight sealing
Sartorius SafetySpace™ Filter Tips
SafetySpace™ Filter Tips more space between the sample and the filter
The new premium Mechanical Pipette
Low retention tips
Maximising your sample recovery

About Cellular

A cell is the smallest component of life. It’s the basic structural, functional and biological building block of all known organisms.
For your cellular research, BioSPX offers a range of equipment that will bring your science to life.

Our automated imagers from Agilent-BioTek integrate and automate all typical microscopy steps, from image capture to publication-ready data. From fast kinetic assays to live cell imaging that takes weeks.

For live cell experiments, we also offer the real time cell analyzers of Agilent, the XCELLigence RTCA equipment uses impedance technique for continuously monitoring the cell adhesion, spreading, proliferation, cell viability and much more.

Complementary to our imaging and XCELLigence systems BioSPX offers the Novocyte flow cytometer series. These are high performance benchtop flow cytometers with enhanced sensitivity and resolution to guarantee the most accurate cell counting and analysis. The automated start-up and shut-down makes these flow cytometers accessible for all level users on all types of laboratories.