Cytation1 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader combines fluorescence and high contrast brightfield imaging with conventional multi-mode detection without the expense and complexity commonly associated with other digital microscopy systems. This unique, patented design provides both quantitative phenotypic cellular information with well-based quantitative data. Cytation 1’s multi-mode detection module includes high sensitivity filter-based fluorescence and a monochromator system for UV-Vis absorbance. Temperature control and shaking are standard; CO2/O2 control and reagent injectors are available. BioTek’s powerful Gen5 software makes image capture and plate reading easy.
Have you read the testimonial of Joëlle J.E. Janssen about how she used the Cytation 1 during her PhD? Read it here: The Cytation 1 enabled me to obtain high-quality brightfield images of white blood cells
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