Platinum Q9
The Upgradable high-end Gel Documentation System


Highest resolution
The Platinum Q9 provides an unrivaled native camera resolution for fluorescence and visible applications. Platinum Q9 features an impressive plug-and-play interchangeable transilluminator system allowing you to switch tables or integrate the unrivaled Chroma epi-fluorescence module capable of detecting blots excited in various wavelengths: Blue, Green, Red/NIR.

Upgradability to chemiluminescence
Uvitec has specifically design Platinum Q9 darkroom so it may be easily upgraded to a true chemiluminescenceimaging system by just changing the camera and optics on site and ensuring total light-proofness is conserved.

6 megapixels native camera
Platinum’s high-resolution imaging enables the user to see more details on their gels and considerably improves analysis accuracy.

Make a point…
Highlight important features with text and symbols. Platinum helps you annotate and illustrate your images. Save the text as a template and apply the same template to another image.

Need to quantify and measure?
Just add a calibration marker for reference or measure the volumes to determine the quantity with our simple 1-2-3 approach.

WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
Our live preview mode ensures quick and easy sample positioning and fine focus.

Set-up quickly
Start with a predefined set-up and then optimise it for your particular technique. Name it, save it and simply load it back next time.

Make it even better
Enhance images with the extensive set of tools including multicolored channels, cropping and many more.

Pick ‘n’ mix
Platinum is available in several possible configurations so as to meet your budget and applications-set: standard UV table, patented-technology Uvipure special-filtered transilluminator allowing EtBr and most safe stains to be run, inclusive of white light conversion screen or not…

• Upgradable to Chemiluminescence, Bioluminescence • DNA, RNA and protein gels • UV Fluorescence
Optics • 16-bit camera • 65,536 shades of grey • 4 Dynamic range (OD) • F/1.2 scientific zoom lens • 6 megapixels (native) • 10 megapixels (extended) • High-speed USB technology • Passive cooling system for significant noise reduction Lighting & illuminations • UV-transilluminator: 26M, 26MX (Uvipure), 26LMX (dual Uvip.), 20Blue • Upgradable to Chemiluminescence • Epi-white LED panels • Trans-white light (optional) • Trans-blue light (optional) Darkroom • Stainless-steel made • Chemical-resistant paint • Full door aperture and slide- out transilluminators • Fully automated system (lighting, focus, exposure) 100% Software-controlled • F-590 filter included • Patented plug-and-play transilluminators Software • Uvitec-1D included License-free software for unlimited users • Image acquisition, editing and analysis features
• Highest performance gel doc system available • 6-megapixel resolution extendable to 10 megapixel • Massive 16-bit pixel depth (65,535 shades of gray) • Auto-focus with motorized zoom option • Extreme sensitivity for the faintest fluorescence sample • Dynamic range up to 4.8 orders of magnitude • Patented Uvipure technology available • Single or dual wavelength transilluminator • Several epi-illumination options • Customize your own applications with a wide variety of transilluminators and options • Roll-out transilluminator • Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) file • Inclusive of free Uvitec-1D software for both image acquisition and analysis • Acquisition modes: Auto, Manual, Preview • 3D visualisation and live 2D© acquisition modes • Advanced UVIband software available • Ideal for DNA, RNA and protein gels

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