"Flow Cytometry"

Geert Mesander: “In recent years, we have invested a lot in new equipment. Besides other equipment, two NovoCyte Quanteon flow cytometers have been installed at the FCU for more simple applications, the bulk of the measurement work. Another new sorting machine is planned for this year.”


The operation is explained in a few words, after which the user can create a test protocol with some help.

The advantage of the new flow cytometers is that they are accompanied by user-friendly software, which makes operating the instrument relatively easy. This is also the case with the Quanteon. “We know all the possibilities of the software anyway, but the average user does not need to have such extensive knowledge. The operation is explained in no time, after which the user can make a test protocol with some help. Once they have a little more experience, they can do this independently.”

Read the full article on LabVision here.