BioTek BioSpa 8
Automated Incubator
Washing, media replacement and reagent injection
Full unattended workflow automation
Temperature, CO2/O2 control


BioSpa 8 can automate your workflows, from ELISA to long term live cell assays. Temperature and CO2/O2 control, plus humidity monitoring and lid handling ensure an ideal environment for cell cultures during all experiment stages, with minimal manual intervention. BioSpa’s software records and reports session timelines and environmental conditions, while customizable text and email alerts assure confidence during long and short term runs. Link a washer or dispenser and a plate reader or imager for start-to-finish workflow automation.

The BioSpa Live Cell Imaging System integrates BioSpa Automated Incubator and Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader to fully automate kinetic live cell imaging and analysis. Plate washing and reagent dispensing can be added to the system for complete walk-away automation, from sample prep through image analysis.

BioSpa™ 8 Automated Incubator also links Agilent readers and imagers together with washers and dispensers for full workflow automation of up to 8 microplates or other labware.

Live Cell Imaging:

  • Full unattended workflow automation for up to 8 microplates and other labware
  • Integrated temperature and CO2/O2 control, plus humidity monitoring
  • Fluorescence, high contrast brightfield, color brightfield and phase contrast imaging
  • OnDemand mode: Remove/replace labware, independent scheduling and multi-user profiles
  • Advanced cell-level analysis including nuclear and cytoplasmic masks
  • Washing, media replacement and reagent injection Automated Incubator
  • Complete workflow automation, sample prep to detection
  • Temperature, CO2/O2 control; humidity monitoring
  • Records environment conditions; automated alerts
  • OnDemand mode: Remove/replace labware, independent scheduling and multi-user profiles
  • Compact for biosafety cabinet use
  • Uncomplicated software and simple integration
BioSpa Software controls all aspects of the BioSpa 8 Automated Incubator, including temperature and gas control and monitoring, along with humidity monitoring. The software features customizable text or email notifications and alerts, relieving the need for onsite monitoring. The software’s session timelines and environmental reports allow quick scrutiny of the process and system status. BioSpa software communicates with Gen5 and LHC software to control integrated imaging, detection and liquid handling instruments.
BioSpa Automated incubator with 8-plate capacity, incubation to 45 °C, with control and monitoring. Includes BioSpa software and one alignment kit. BIOSPAG Automated incubator with 8-plate capacity, incubation to 45 °C and CO2/O2 control and monitoring, water pan and humidity monitoring. Includes BioSpa software and one alignment kit.
BioSpa Live Cell Imaging system can be comprised of of BioSpa 8 Automated Incubator, along with other compatible imagers, washers and dispensers: • Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader • Cytation 1 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader • EL406 Washer Dispenser • 405 LS Washer • 405 TS Washer • MultiFlo FX Multi-Mode Dispenser
Microplate types 6- to 1536-well standard height microplates, with or without lids.
Plate height range: 7.6 mm to 25.4 mm
Other labware supported Cell culture dishes (60 mm and 35 mm), T25 flasks
Lidded plate handling Robotic arm moves plate to and from BioSpa 8 and connected instrument; handles de-lidding and re-lidding plates.
Microplate capacity Up to 8 microplates (or other labware)
Air filter User-replaceable HEPA filter
Compatible instruments Cytation 5, Cytation 3, Synergy Neo2, Synergy H1, Epoch 2, EL406, 405 TS, 405 LS, MultiFlo FX, MultiFlo
Temperature control Range: to 45 °C
Control resolution: 0.1 °C
Uniformity + 0.5 °C at 37 °C
Software BioSpa Automated Incubator Software:
Provides programming interface for BioTek detection and liquid handling devices
Allows user notification (text or email) of events and/or errors in the system
Provides control, monitoring and logging of:
    incubator temperature
Provides humidity level monitoring and logging
Allows uninterrupted runs lasting days or weeks
BioSpa Session mode for all imaging, detection and liquid handling operations
BioSpa OnDemand mode for simplified, intuitive imaging- or detection-only workflows for single or multiple users
CO2 and O2 control (option) Range: 0 – 20% (CO2); 1 – 19% (O2)
Control Resolution: +0.1% (CO2 and O2)
Stability: +0.2% at 5% CO2; +0.2% at 1% O2
Humidity control rH: 80 to 95% (lidded plates and 5% CO2)
Source: Removable water pan
Water level sensor: Low water level alert
Imaging mode Fluorescence
Color Brightfield
Phase Contrast
Imaging method Single color, multi-color, montage, time lapse, z-stacking
Image processing Z-projection, digital phase contrast, stitching
Camera 16-bit gray scale, Sony CCD, 1.25 megapixel. 0.3 µm/pixel at 20x
Objective capacity 6 user-replaceable objectives
Objectives available 1.25x, 2.5x, 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x
Phase objectives available 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x
Image filter cube capacity 4 user-replaceable fluorescence cubes plus brightfield channel
Imaging filter cubes available DAPI, CFP, GFP, YFP, RFP, Texas Red, CY5, CY7,Acridine Orange (ACR OR), CFP-YFP FRET, propidium,Iodide, chlorophyll, phycoerythrin, CY5.5, TagBFP, Alexa568, Ex377 / Em647
Imaging LED cubes available 365 nm, 390 nm, 465 nm, 505 nm, 523 nm, 590 nm, 623 nm, 655 nm, 740 nm
Automated functions User-trained autofocus, autofocus, autoexposure, auto-LED intensity
Autofocus method Image-based autofocus
User-trained autofocus
Laser autofocus (option)
Liquid handling See the individual product pages at EL406, MultiFlo FX and 405 TS
Complete workflow automation, sample prep to detection BioSpa8 handles up to 8 microplates, Petri and cell culture dishes and T25 flasks during automated processes, running up to 2 weeks. Place the labware in BioSpa’s drawers, and the gripper moves to the connected imaging, detection and liquid handlers as scheduled in the BioSpa software. Temperature, CO2/O2 control; humidity monitoring Critical physiological conditions are maintained in BioSpa: Incubation to 45 °C, CO2/O2 control and humidity monitoring facilitate live cell processes. BioSpa software continuously records the environment conditions to ensure assay success. Records environment conditions; automated alerts BioSpa software monitors and records the system and environment conditions throughout the entire runtime. Customizable text and email notifications allow you to walk away from the process with confidence. OnDemand Mode For simple, efficient imaging or detection protocols, OnDemand mode allows labware to be added or removed at any time, without interrupting operations in process. Multiple users can be defined in the system and each user can visually track their own experiment’s progress on the dynamic timeline. Compact for benchtop use, or for optional biosafety cabinet use When the workflow calls for sterile conditions, BioSpa and integrated instruments is compact enough to fit in a biosafety enclosure. Uncomplicated software and simple integration BioSpa software integrates seamlessly with Gen5 and LHC software to provide easy and intuitive scheduling for short and long-term processes.
Unattended workflow automation BioSpa 8 handles up to 8 microplates, Petri and cell culture dishes and T25 flasks during automated processes, running up to 2 weeks. Place the labware in BioSpa’s drawers, and the gripper moves to the connected imaging, detection and liquid handlers as scheduled in the BioSpa software. Environmental controls for live cell assays Critical physiological conditions are maintained in BioSpa: Incubation to 45 °C, CO2/O2 control and humidity monitoring facilitate live cell processes. BioSpa software continuously records the environment conditions to ensure assay success. Customizable text and email notifications allow you to walk away from the process with confidence. Fluorescence, high contrast brightfield, color brightfield and phase contrast imaging BioSpa 8 integration with Cytation 5 brings powerful image collection and analysis tools to the automated workflow. With six turret positions for objectives ranging from 1.25x to 60x, four channels plus brightfield, and more than 15 colors available, Cytation 5 brings unsurpassed capabilities to automated digital microscopy for many long-term live cell imaging processes. OnDemand Mode For simple, efficient imaging or detection protocols, OnDemand mode allows labware to be added or removed at any time, without interrupting operations in process. Multiple users can be defined in the system and each user can visually track their own experiment’s progress on the dynamic timeline. Advanced cell-level analysis with Gen5 Software Gen5 Microplate Reader and Imager software is available in several editions to meet the imaging and analysis requirements of many applications. From basic automated cell counting to advance capabilities including dual masks for nucleus and cytoplasm identification, Gen5 offers complete and powerful quantitative data analysis in and uncomplicated interface. Washing and media replacement BioSpa 8 is compatible with BioTek’s MultiFlo FX and EL406 for plate washing and media exchange. Adding a combination washer dispenser or washer to the BioSpa 8 and Cytation integrated system provides complete automated process from sample prep through image analysis. • Up to 60x magnification and 4 color channels covers a range of applications • Single- and multi-color, montage, time lapse and automated z-stacking • Powerful image processing: z-projection, digital phase contrast and image stitching • Compact system fits in biosafety cabinet for the ultimate cell assay protection • Lidded plate handling, easy maintenance

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